Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My dream made manifest; consequently revised

I've often imagined how nice it would be to have a massive cat here as a pet. Not in the manner of Antoine Yates, not a giant tiger whose vast quantities of wild tiger urine will leak down into the apartment below mine, but something more medium-sized, with brown stripes and spots.

Yesterday, a friend directed me toward these people who seem to be living the dream. But by the end of the photo-essay, I realized that my dream is kind of gross.


Martin said...

I think their dream is to have a pet big cat, pet little cat, pet chicken, pet fish, and pet hand grenade. But it looks like this is an impossible dream.

Martin said...

Why not just get a cute bear instead?


Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop mocking my cousin Antoine. He loves tigers. Why is that wrong?